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The Best Alternatives to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: Why JPS is Your Go-To Choice

The Best Alternatives to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing KDP, KDP Book sizes, JPS your go-to book printing services

There’s no denying that Jeff Bezos and Amazon have transformed the publishing industry with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

However, in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, there are alternative options that deserve a closer look!

Amazon vs. JPS: A Side-by-Side Comparison

AspectsAmazon KDPJPS Books + Logistics
Quick Delivery✔️✔️
Customer Service❌ (Limited in-person support)✔️(Direct contact with JPS
Quick Delivery

Both Amazon KDP and JPS excel in delivering your printed books, fast. Whether you’re looking for speed and efficiency, you won’t be disappointed with either platform.

Customer Service

This is where JPS truly stands out. While Amazon KDP offers customer service, it can be challenging to reach a live person for in-person support. On the other hand, JPS provides direct contact with their team, ensuring that your questions and concerns are addressed promptly and effectivel

Why Choose JPS Over Amazon KDP?

Now that we’ve compared these two platforms, let’s dive deeper into why JPS is the better alternative for authors and publishers!

1. Personalized Support

With JPS, you’re not just another name in the vast sea of projects. We offer personalized support, ensuring that your unique needs are met. Whether you need help with formatting, cover design, or binding choices, JPS is there to guide you every step of the way.

2. Quality Control

JPS places a strong emphasis on quality control. Our team meticulously reviews each book before printing and shipping to ensure your readers receive a top-notch product. This attention to detail can make a significant difference in the final product’s quality!

3. Flexibility

JPS offers more flexibility in terms of printing options, allowing you to choose from a wide range of book formats, paper types, and binding options. This flexibility ensures that your book looks and feels exactly the way you envision it.

4. Transparent Pricing

JPS offers transparent pricing with no hidden fees. In short? You’ll know exactly how much you’re paying for each service, making it easier to budget for your publishing project.

Before You Go…

While Amazon KDP has undoubtedly made publishing more accessible, JPS provides a viable and attractive alternative for authors and publishers who value personalized support, quality control, flexibility, and transparent pricing. 

Whether you’re a seasoned creator or just starting your publishing journey, consider giving JPS a try—we guarantee you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results!

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