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K12 Publishers and Curriculum Providers: Order Print Materials Now for the Spring Semester!

K12 Publishers and Curriculum Providers

The end of the year is in sight, and most of us already have a holiday break on the brain. 

But for educators and administrators, December isn’t just about holiday prep—it’s also a great time to get ahead on ordering academic materials for the spring semester! 

At JPS Books + Logistics, we know how important it is for institutions to have all materials ready to go by the time their students return. Here’s why December is the perfect month to place those orders and lock in a smooth, hassle-free start to the new academic season.

1. Beat the Rush and Avoid Delays

Every January, print companies experience a massive influx of orders. Schools, universities, and training programs across the country all want their materials ready for the start of classes—all at the same time! 

Ordering in December helps you get a jump on the competition. By placing your order before the year-end rush, you’re gifting yourself a smoother process, while helping your print partners plan for and prioritize your needs. 

At JPS Books + Logistics, early December orders are processed efficiently so that we can give them the attention they deserve—and you can get your materials on time (and fast!).

2. Lock In Availability of High-Quality Materials

When you order academic print materials like textbooks, course readers, lab manuals, or study guides, you’re not just looking for any print job; you want quality that reflects the value of your course. 

By ordering early, you’re helping secure the best materials and resources for your project. 

December is an ideal time to finalize your printing needs because it gives your print team ample time to source the best paper stocks, cover options, and binding solutions. No more worrying about settling for second-best or lower-quality options due to rushed deadlines!

3. More Time to Review and Refine

We know academic materials oftentimes require a few rounds of edits and approvals, whether it’s for accuracy, layout, or format. Placing your order in December means there’s plenty of room to review proofs, suggest changes, and make any necessary adjustments without the pressure of a tight deadline. 

At JPS Books + Logistics, we provide multiple opportunities for clients to check every detail before materials go into production. With this extra breathing room, you can rest assured that when students open their books, everything is exactly as it should be.

4. Cost-Efficiency and Budget Management

For many institutions, the fiscal year aligns with the calendar year, making December a big month for spending the remainder of the budget. Ordering academic materials now can help institutions make the most of their 2023 budget allocations, easing financial planning for the upcoming semester. 

On top of that, ordering early can often give you better rates; and with the price of materials and shipping sometimes rising at the start of the year, placing your order before January might mean you’re getting the best value.

5. Create a Smooth Start to the Year

There’s nothing more frustrating than scrambling at the beginning of the semester to secure materials for your students. Late delivery or missing materials can throw off a course’s entire schedule and disrupt learning. 

When students receive their materials on day one, they’re better prepared, more engaged, and ready to dive into coursework from the start. Early orders help make sure your spring semester gets off to the best start possible.

6. Gain Peace of Mind Over the Holidays

Finally, don’t forget one of the best reasons to order in December—enjoying a stress-free holiday break! 

By getting everything squared away before you clock out, you can fully enjoy your time off, knowing that your materials are handled and on schedule. Then, when January comes around, you can start the semester refreshed, knowing your students have everything they need.

Why Choose JPS Books + Logistics for Your Academic Print Needs?

At JPS Books + Logistics, we specialize in producing high-quality academic print materials tailored to the needs of institutions like yours. 

We know the importance of reliable delivery and the impact that top-notch materials have on the learning experience. From custom textbook solutions to engaging, user-friendly lab guides, our team is here to bring your vision to life and ensure that each item arrives on time, every time.

Ready to Get Started?

Don’t wait until January—reach out to us today and let’s get your order placed! 

Whether it’s a large bulk order or a specialized set of materials, we’ll work with you to make sure everything’s perfect.

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